
In Luxembourg, all types of insulin and other diabetes medicines are available and fully reimbursed for people living with diabetes (PwD). All devices and technologies for blood glucose monitoring and insulin administration are also available and fully reimbursed most of the time. However, depending on the pharmacy and/or provider, PwD might need to contribute with €1-10 to the cost of devices and technologies.

Diabetes education is provided at the time of diagnosis and throughout the life course in various hospitals’ diabetes departments and by the national diabetes association (Maison du Diabète).

There is no special academic training for diabetes specialist nurses (DSNs) but they tend to specialise during their practice and through various diabetology training programmes. DSNs play a role in diabetes prevention and in the management of people living with all types of diabetes, but they are not allowed to prescribe medications.

This country profile was developed with the help of the Luxembourg Diabetes Association ( Association Luxembourgeoise du Diabète – ALD)