
In Spain, all types of insulin and other diabetes medicines are available and subject to a 10% co-payment, with a maximum charge of €4.60, for all people living with diabetes (PwD). Supplies and technologies for blood glucose monitoring and insulin administration such as syringes, needles, insulin pens, blood glucose meters and test strips are available free of charge for all PwD, while insulin pumps and automated delivery systems are reimbursed for people living with Type 1 diabetes (T1D) upon specific recommendation from their healthcare professionals. Real-time and intermittently-scanned continuous glucose monitors are fully reimbursed for people with T1D and Type 2 diabetes (T2D) on multiple daily insulin injections.

A national diabetes register for people living with T1D was developed in 2023 and will be fully implemented by the end of 2024.

This country profile was developed with the help of the Spanish Diabetes Society (Sociedad Española de Diabetes).